History of Towns & Communities |
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added 06-08-01
Brief History of
Some Richardson County Communities
(Source: 1890
Business Gazatteer, "1887 Immigrant
to History
of Richardson County
DelC's -
Genealogy Site
Info on Past and Present Towns /
Communities and Post Offices
Archer, Athens,
Barada, Dawson / Noraville,
Falls City, Fargo, Humboldt,
Middleburg, Miles Ranch,
Nemaha, Nemaha Falls,
Nims City, Nohart,
Preston / Blufton / Sac, Rulo,
St. DeRoin, St. Stephens,
Salem, Shubert,
Stella, Straussville, Verdon
/ Springfield, Wells Mills,
Williamsville, Winnebago,
Other Past Towns not listed above.
Arago / "Fargo"
(Past Towns)
was a port of entrance for many
pioneers who came up the Missouri
River on steamers. It was
settled in 1858 by a sizeable group of
persons from Buffalo, NY, most were of
German descent. They had formed
the German Colonization Society for
the purpose of buying land on some
western river for a home.
first 12 settlers landed at Arago on
July 4, 1858. Some of the land
was purchased from Stephen Story who
had founded St. Stephens nearby in
1855. Arago was the first town in
Richardson County to be incorporated
by an act of the Legislature.
This was January 10, 1860.
Population then grew to as many as
When the railroad built
on the Missouri side of the river,
steamboat commerce almost ceased and
many businesses moved to Falls City in
the 1880’s. Many laborers
moved to farms and the buildings either burned or
were moved to farms
or to Falls City.
After a severe
flood, the post office was
discontinued at Arago and moved
3-miles west in 1903. For some
reason, the name Arago went with the
post office, while the original village of Arago
became known as "Fargo" or Old
There was a post
office at Fargo (Old Arago) from 1862 to
1903 and
one at New Arago
from 1895 to 1913. Many
descendants of the original Arago
(Fargo) settlers still reside in the Arago
(Past Town)
most prominent of the numerous towns
which have had an existence on paper
or in reality for a comparatively
brief time, was Archer, the first
county seat. Even by 1882, the
land which was, in 1856, covered by a
considerable village for the times,
had became part of a farm, and knew no
streets save the ridges between the
corn rows. The town, which was largely
the property of H. Nuckolls and Judge
Miller, was, in 1857, a mere
collection of log houses, numbering,
according to the recollections of the
old settlers, scarcely more than
twelve. After the passage of the
half-breed line and the necessary
removal of the county seat to land
owned by the county, many of the
houses were removed to Falls City.
town was laid out in 1855 and named
for founder, Robert T. Archer, the
county’s first sheriff. The
post office was established in 1856
and discontinued in 1865. Archer was
the county seat until the site was
found to be partially on the
Half-Breed Tract and abandoned in
1857. There were 10 houses, 2
stores, and a log house used as a
hotel and kept by the county’s first
judge, John C. Miller, who held court
in his home and served as post
master. Also there was a school
house, a doctor, and a saw and
gristmill. Currently, only an abandoned
cemetery remains at the site 1 mi east
and 2 mi north of Falls City.
Athens (Past
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Post Office was established in
November, 1860 and discontinued
November, 1881. The town was
named for Athens, Ohio, from where the
area’s early settlers had
come. Only an abandoned cemetery
is there now in the southwestern part
of the county in Speiser Precinct.
- 2000 Census = ?? about 25 ??
and Barada Precinct are named after
first settler, Antoine Barada
(1807-1887). In 1856 he received
a patent of 320 acres from the U.S.
Government in what was known as the
Half-Breed Tract. He settled on
the grant, built a house, and raised
his family. This land became the
site of the village of Barada in
northeast Richardson County, Barada
Precinct. The exact date of the
original town plat has not been
established. A post office was
established in the village general store
in 1877, where it remained until near
the end when it was relocated to the
home of Duane Sailors, and Mrs.
Barbara Sailors was the post
mistress until the post office
closed in 1966.
The population
increased from 70 in 1880 to 200 in
1910 and then steadily declined to 23
citizens in 1990. Even without a
railroad the community remained a
stable trading center for a large
rural area. At one time there
were 3 stores, a bank, a hardware
store, a photo gallery, 3 blacksmith
shops, a drug store, a dance hall, a
saloon, a doctor, a veterinary, and a
barber shop. Today the original
grocery store, which housed the post
office, is still in operation and is
the only business there.
Prominent residents included John H.
Morehead, Nebraska Governor and U.S.
Representative to Congress; Byron
Dunn, former president of National
Bank of Commerce in Lincoln; Henry Gerdes, state senator and member of
State Board of Control; and Louis
Buchholz, former State Secretary of
- 2000 Census = 209
Dawson built a gristmill in 1867 on
the bank of the Big Nemaha River just
south of the present village of
Dawson. In 1872, W.F. Draper
founded the town of Noraville, which
with the post office of Dawson Mills,
then became known as Dawson. The
village was the site of the
Dawson-Verdon Consolidated
School, from 1960 until 2004. The school was closed in the summer of
2004 and the building was sold at auction the same year.
(Some of
the above
info is from the 1890
Business Gazatteer and 1914 Dawson
City - 2000 Census = 4,671
notice of the new town site of Falls
City was filed in the courthouse at
Archer on March
27, 1857 and a plat was filed on April
29, 1858. It gained citizens
from flooded
Nemaha Falls and the village of
Archer. On the Nemaha River,
south of the town site, was a water
fall, a potential source of power for
mills and machinery.
In its
first 20 years, Falls City won a
struggle to become the county seat,
saw the end of the Civil War, was
reached by its first railroad and a
newspaper was established. In the
second 20 years (1877-1897) the town
made big gains with another railroad, German
immigrants, public utilities,
corporate banking, many businesses and social
In the third period,
(1898-1916), apple buying from local
orchards began
on a large scale, the Lydia Bruun
Woods Memorial Library was
established, and
the city faced the problem of finding
a good supply of water.
fourth period of
time from 1917-1932 saw prohibition,
WWI, several major fires including the court
house, many more automobiles, services
and brick streets for them, an outbreak
of Spanish Influenza, suffrage for
women, election to offices, and shipment
of 300 train car loads of poultry and
eggs a year.
From 1933-1953,
Falls City
saw the WPA put people to work on such
stone landmarks as the Jug Brown Stadium
at the high school and the Prichard
Auditorium. During the days of
the WPA, the city, to provide work, undertook the task of removing the
paving brick on main street, turning the brick over and relaying the brick
with the worn side down. (Most of the brick paved streets are still in use
today) Banks closed and were consolidated, prohibition was repealed,
many served in WW II, while those at home experienced war bond sales and
Missouri Pacific Railroad closed its
shops in the early 1950’s.
Since the celebration of its
centennial in 1957, Falls City has
seen the beginnings and ends of many
businesses and industries. The start
of KTNC radio station, the change in
publication of the Falls City Journal,
from 6 times a week, to 5 times, to
the present (2000) of 2 times a week. The
creation of a Mini Park, where
fire destroyed buildings on
Stone Street, the expansion of the
Community Hospital into the Community Medical
Center and the expansion of Brenner
Field, the city’s airport.
However, a lot of the store fronts in the downtown
district become vacant by the early
- 2000 Census = 941
of Page
in northwest Richardson County,
Humboldt was not incorporated until
1871, although there were families in
the area as early as 1855. The
post office was established in
1861. In 1880 the population was
917 and peaked at 1455 in 1930. School
District 37, a Community Hospital,
city owned Colonial Acres nursing home
and the Bruun Memorial Library are
sources of pride for this community. The Hospital closed in 2002,
reopened for a short time in 2003 and then closed again.
(Past Town)
post office was established on
the South Nemaha River in July, 1858
and discontinued in March, 1901.
It was presided over for many years by
"Uncle" Jacob Frey, a
pioneer. Citizens of Speiser
Township received their mail here.
Ranch (Past Town)
post office was located four miles
southwest of Dawson in northern Nemaha
Township. It was named in honor of
Stephen Miles, settler and mail
contractor of stage
lines from Independence, Mo to Salt
Lake City, UT. It was
established July, 1858.
In 1867, the name was changed to Wells
Mills and moved further southwest to
Middleburg. Miles Ranch was also
a place where hundreds of horses and
mules used
in mail and stage lines were
recuperated. A large house and a
barn built with hand-hewn
walnut timbers are still used on the
City (Past Town)
City was platted in 1903, several
miles south of Dawson in Nemaha
Township, by Betsy U. Nims. It
was at its height in 1906-1908, when
there was a church, a blacksmith shop,
a barber shop, a large public hall or
opera house hotel and several
stores. Today, only two houses
are at this site.
(Past Town)
post office at Nohart was established
October, 1860, near the Kansas Line in
southeast Rulo Township. It was
named for a chief of the Iowa Indian
Tribe and discontinued in 1888.
- 2000 Census = ?? Less than 50
dates from January 31, 1881, when
Philip R. Shelly purchased 40 acres,
had the land surveyed, streets and
lots staked and began building.
Earlier the post office was known as
Sac and the railroad station as
The town of the 1890’s had
two each of hotels, barber shops, livery stables, blacksmith shops, drug
stores, and harness shops (one employed 6 girls to help manufacture fly nets
for horses.) Also there were 3 general stores and a two-story bank.
Preston was a center for farmers to market their produce. Entertainment
was found at second story dance halls, debates, an occasional medicine show
and most often at programs at the school. A railroad serviced the
village with fare to Falls City costing 17 cents. The cyclone of 1896
caused extensive damage.
After 1900, hotel and bank
buildings were torn down and moved to Falls City. The automobile made it
possible for residents to travel farther to merchants and Preston continued to
Although the population was
only 149 in 1900 and 122 in 1910, the families there were large. (10-14
children each) The population in 1990 had reduced to about 40.
- 2000 Census = 226
was laid out in 1856 on lands
belonging to the wife of Charles
Rouleau and her sister, Mrs. Eli
Bedard, under the Prairie du Chien
Treaty of 1830. It is currently
(2001) the site of the only Missouri River
Bridge for vehicles to enter Richardson County from
In 1858, the first
newspaper in Richardson County was
started there and through the years,
until 1936, several newspapers
appeared and vanished there. It
was an important town on the Missouri
River before the advent of the
railroad. Peak population was
877 in 1900. In 1903 Rulo had
its own telephone company, in 1913
electricity was obtained, in 1926 many
dirt streets were paved, in 1934 free
movies sponsored by merchants began
and continued into the ‘50’s.
In 1939 a W.P.A. limestone auditorium
was built and in 1971 the community
began restoration of the same.
Students currently attend school in
Falls City. There are presently
two churches, a library, the
auditorium, the post office, two
taverns and a restaurant/bar that was
noted for its special fish dinners in
the 60's & 70's.
St. DeRoin
(Past Town)
(Now part of Indian Cave State
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In 1804, Lewis and Clark recorded that they passed
a small trading fort on the Missouri River, located about 23 miles above the
mouth of the Big Nemaha River. On July 15, 1830, 125,000 acres were set aside
by the Treaty of Prairie du Chien for the homeless offspring left behind by
traders and trappers who married Indian women. Son of a French man and an
Otoe woman, Joseph DeRoin moved onto the tract from the Platte River in the
early 1840s. He set up a trading post, and in 1853 he laid out the village
that bears his name.
The son of a French trader,
Amable DeRoin, and an Otoe Indian woman, Joseph DeRoin was born about 1819
near Bellevue. He lived with his parents until 1836, when he moved to the
main Otoe village near the mouth of the Platte River.
He married an Omaha Indian
woman, Meek-Ka-Ahu-Me, and their only child, Mary, was born about 1841 near
Council Bluffs, IA. In 1842, the family moved to the tract in
Nemaha-Richardson counties, created by the Treaty of Prairie du Chien. They
were among the first to claim land on the tract. Later that year, Joseph
took two more wives - sisters Julie and Soula (Su-See) Baskette, the
daughters of a Frenchman, Balone Baskette, and an Iowa Indian woman. He had
8 children by the Baskette sisters. About 1843, his first wife left to
return to the Omaha Reservation.
Although the first record of
his trading post was in 1854, he undoubtedly operated one much earlier. He
also ran a trading post at the Otoe Reserve in Gage County from the
mid-1850s until his death at the hands of James Beddow, the settler he had
quarreled with over the pig. DeRoin died April 21, 1858. At the time of
his death, he held notes totaling $4,079.06 (quite a sum at that time),
including one for $1,500 by 11 Otoe chiefs at the Reserve. Most of the
notes were uncollectible, including that of the Otoe chiefs.
In 1862, Soula and the
children moved to the Iowa Reserve in northeast Kansas, and the children
attended the Kickapoo Training School at Horton, KS.
In its early days, St. DeRoin
had 232 mixed heritage residents, including 50 Iowas, 47 Omahas, 21 Otoes, 3
Sioux and 111 orphans. The village was one of a chain of small settlements
that served as trading and supply posts for Missouri river traffic in the
1870s. A bustling town of 300 people before the turn of the century, it was
doomed by the ever-shifting river channel and an apparent outbreak of
cholera. By the 1920s, St. DeRoin was virtually abandoned except for the
one-room school.
However, legends abound about
the once thriving village. Apparently, the "Saint" was attached to the name
sometime after it was established, in the hope of attracting more settlers.
Joseph DeRoin himself was evidently a colorful and controversial character.
Described as "overbearing and tyrannical," those traits eventually proved
fatal. DeRoin was determined to collect $6 for a pig from a settler despite
a warning to stay off the man's land. The settler dropped him with one shot
and was ultimately acquitted of any crime. Local tradition holds that
DeRoin was buried astride his horse in the town cemetery.
Another "graveyard" legend
centers on a fellow named A. J. Ritter, who lost an arm while doing a little
"fishing" with dynamite. His arm was buried west of the town. Later, when
Ritter died, he was buried in the St. DeRoin Cemetery. Some locals say that
on certain nights, Ritter still rises to search for his lost arm.
The original town site is now
part of the Indian Cave State Park. You can learn more about this
fascinating area at the interpretive log cabin, located near the original
town site. Although built recently, (in the early 1980's) the cabin was
carefully constructed by methods used in the 1850s. Note the split wood
shingles, handmade iron hardware and the fireplace built from limestone
found on the park grounds. The school house has also been
Stephens (Past Town)
post office name changed from Nemaha
to St. Stephens in 1855 and was
discontinued in 1868. This
primarily Catholic community honors
Stephen Story, the first
postmaster. At its peak in 1860,
this Missouri River ferry town had a
population of 404 with 2 stores, a
blacksmith shop, two saloons and a
school, which was also used for a
church and general meeting house.
- 2000 Census = 138
of Page
lies 7 miles west of Falls City and
for a short time was the county
seat. It was founded in
1854. The Post Office was
established in January, 1856. In the early days, Salem was populated
by several wealthy families. In
May, 1857, J.C. Lincoln, a founder of
the town and 2nd cousin of
Abraham Lincoln, opened a store as the
first general assortment of goods
brought into the county. Before
the course of the Nemaha River was
changed by the drainage district, the
river passed Salem at the foot of the
hill and a mill was located
there. Salem became noted for
its Chautauqua and the facilities that
went with it. It had a number of
stores, followed by a blacksmith shop,
cafes, bank, churches, school, and a
grain elevator. The population
of Salem peaked at about 694 in
1860. Present businesses include
a cafe, a tavern, a grain elevator,
the post office and a library. The high school was closed sometime in
the late 1880's and the building demolished in 2005.
- 2000 Census = 252
W. Shubert came to Nebraska Territory
in 1865 and in 1869 purchased land in
northern Richardson County from Edwin
S. Towle. Railroad officials
were eager to establish a town and
build a depot in order to provide
transportation for incoming supplies,
outgoing produce and more
settlers. This railroad line
from Nemaha to Salem passed Mr.
Shubert's land and in 1883, two days
before the first railroad run, he
recorded his plat for the
village. The post office was
established in 1884. There have
been a number of stores, cafes,
taverns, doctors, dentists, an auto
dealership, grain elevator, bank,
school, and churches located
there. Shubert is now part of
the Southeast Consolidated School
District. Businesses today
include a retail lumber company, a
grain elevator, a photo studio, two
taverns and the post office. The Lumber company closed in 2004, and
the tavern located in the center of town closed in 2002.
- 2000 Census = 220
in north central Richardson County was
founded in 1881 at the completion of
the Missouri Pacific Railroad line
being built from Hiawatha, KS. to
Omaha, NE. The station was
completed in 1882 and the town began
to grow. It was named after the
deceased daughter of J. W. Clark on
whose land Stella was built.
Stella is part of the Southeast
Nebraska Consolidated school district
and is the location of the school.
Besides the school, Stella has
churches, a library, a gas station, a tavern, a grocery store,
a bank and a grain elevator.
Straussville (Past Town)
laid out by Gustave and Savilla
Strauss, local land owners, is the
youngest village of the county.
It was platted in 1901, about 5 miles
northwest of Falls City on the
railroad, but was not filed for record
until 1912. There was a post
office from 1899 to 1912. There
was also a store, blacksmith shop and
grain elevator. Kentopp Elevator
operated there for many years and was
sold to a granddaughter of its
founders in 1998. Today it
consists of the elevator and 1-house.
- 2000 Census = 223
platted as Springfield in 1856, is in
the center of the Richardson
County. Springfield failed to
materialize, but from its decayed
remains, Verdon took root after a
lapse of 26 years. Peak population was in (1910), at 406. The
town was platted by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hall and was named by the Missouri
Pacific Railroad. The plat for
the land was filed in 1882. The Post Office was established March 4,
1882. Many
of its first settlers were from
Cottage Grove, northeast of Verdon,
near old Arago. The main street once held a bandstand, a flag pole and
the town well, which was used for watering animals and fighting numerous
fires. Main street was graveled for the first time in 1926.
Second floor of the grocery store was used for social functions and programs
until the 1940’s. Present businesses include a gas station, a Coop
propane and fertilizer business, a heating/air-conditioning business and a
craft shop. Verdon became part of the Dawson-Verdon
Consolidated School District in 1960, which
has its schools in Dawson. The Verdon High School closed in the summer
of 1959 and the grade school, which shared the same building, followed a year or so later and the building
was demolished in 2000.
Williamsville (Past
post office was established there in
1867 and discontinued in 1879.
It was named for the first county
school superintendent. It was a
German community southeast of
Barada. A church still stands at
the site.
- Yancton
(Past Towns)
towns which are mentioned occasionally
in the early records of the county
have long since ceased to exist. Among
them are Yancton and Winnebago, which
stood near the river above Rulo, and
took their names from the Indians, who
were a large part of their
inhabitants. On the county records are
seen the plats of additions to towns
whose very names have passed from
common remembrance.
of Page
A list of Past and Present Towns /
Communities and Post Offices
Arago, Archer, Athens
Cottage Grove
Falls City,
Fargo, Flowerdale, Franklin
Gere, Gilbraltar
Long Branch
Miles Ranch, Monterey, Mount Roy
Nemaha Falls,
Nims City, Nohart
Poteet, Prairie Union,
St. DeRoin, St. Stephens,
Salem, Shasta, Sanktown,
Shubert, Silver Creek, Stella,
Wells Mills,
Williamsville, Winnebago
of Page

of Richardson County
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Genealogy Site
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